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Sunday, 26 June 2011

Cannabis Farms are a scourge on society. They are the product of prohibition. It is the British government that is responsible for the theft of

Cannabis Law Reform (CLEAR) is a political party registered with the Electoral Commission under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (PPERA).   We are registered on the Great Britain register for England, Scotland and Wales and on the Northern Ireland register.  We have declared that we intend to contest UK general elections and also the combined region of the South West and Gibraltar at European Parliamentary elections.
For the purposes of the PPERA, Peter Reynolds is the party leader and nominating officer, Janice Wells is the party treasurer.
CLEAR has adopted the Electoral Commission’s model financial scheme which demonstrates how we will comply with the legal requirements of party and election finances under PPERA.  The CLEAR financial scheme is reproduced in full here.
CLEAR’s constitution is reproduced in full here.
These are the members of the Executive Committee.

Peter Reynolds was elected leader of CLEAR in February 2011.  Aged 53 and a professional writer all his life, Peter lives on the Dorset coast with his two dogs, an overworked computer and an overflowing in tray.  More information is available at his personal website:

Stuart Warwick was elected deputy leader of CLEAR in February 2011.  He lives in Swindon and is an  enthusiastic biker.  As such he is excluded from the CLEAR Executive Committee life assurance scheme.  He is, however, a good outside bet for the next British prime minister.  See his Facebook page “Hunar For Prime Minister

Mark Palmer has been a stalwart of the CLEAR administration for seven years.  He lives in Norwich and is the CLEAR webmaster.  He has primary responsibility for the day to day management of our internet presence.

Jan Wells is the treasurer and secretary of CLEAR and is responsible for all membership administration and finance. She used to work as a lecturer in I.T. and now lives near Redhill in Surrey with her partner, two children and a dog.

Jason Reed joined the CLEAR Executive Committee in March 2011.  He is responsible for advancing the cause amongst the celebrity, arts and entertainment communities.  Writing under his pseudonym of Homegrown Outlaw, his blog is essential reading for all those interested in the cannabis issue.

1. To end the prohibition of cannabis.
Prohibition is a big, dumb, and very expensive failure.  It is brutal.  It puts prejudice before people.  The “war on drugs” is responsible for more death, destruction and despair than any other war.  History has shown that prohibition creates far more problems than it solves.   In the 21st century we should expect far better solutions from our policy makers and governments.
2. To promote as a matter of urgency and compassion the prescription of medicinal cannabis by doctors.
No reasonable human being can deny another relief from pain, suffering or disability.  There is no rational argument against permitting access to medicinal cannabis for those who need it.  The fact that the British government and the deeply rooted bureaucracy of the Home Office stand in the way is a deep and lasting shame on our nation.
3. To introduce a system of regulation for the production and supply of cannabis based on facts and evidence.
Authoritative research from the Independent Drug Monitoring Unit proves that a cannabis tax and regulate regime in Britain would produce a boost to the UK economy of at least £6 billion per annum.  That’s based on a cannabis tax of £1 per gram, massive savings in law enforcement costs but allowing for the cost of administering the system and providing additional healthcare and education services. All the evidence and experts agree that a responsibly regulated system would also reduce all health and social harms.

4. To encourage the production and use of industrial hemp.
The prohibition of cannabis has caused huge damage to our society, environment and economy by preventing the cultivation of hemp.  Although the industrial strains of the plant have no psychoactive potential, the absurd level of control has effectively destroyed its value as an agricultural crop.  With that we have lost the most efficient producer of biomass in the natural world, the strongest natural fibre, a better fabric than cotton, a better paper than wood and one of the most ecologically important activities on the planet.

5. To educate and inform about the uses and benefits of cannabis.
Prejudice is based on ignorance.  In the case of cannabis there is also deliberate misinformation. It started with Randolph Hearst, the media, timber and oil magnate of the 1930s  and it continues today with the vested interests of alcohol, tobacco, Big Pharma and, yes, media, timber and oil.  The truth about cannabis is clear and we have to spread the truth in the face of ignorance and lies.

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do u think cannabis should be legal